The Lake District

Hi guys,

Today I just wanted to talk about my visit down to the Lake District. This visit, if I’m being honest, was for a fieldwork study part of my Geography AS course, however, this was also a perfect opportunity for me to take some Photographs for this blog post. We can choose to take the purpose of a journey to only have that purpose and no other purpose or you could make the most of one journey and give it multiple purposes. We always have the opportunity to do more with what we have been assigned but only you can make it happen, so why don’t you make it happen.

This trip was travelling down the River Eea in the Lake District so at each stop I took as many pictures as I could. We started at the Whitestone Enclosure (the source of the river) and worked our way down to Flookburgh (near the mouth of the river).

 The day did not turn out as we expected hitting a few glitches along the way. My biggest disappointment came from the fact that the weather wasn’t better, nonetheless, I made it work and I’m pretty sure I got some cool snaps.

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This is the first place that we stopped at before going to the source of the river. This stop was really just to go to the toilet and then get a hot drink or something hot to eat.

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This was the hill that we had to climb to get to the source of the river and the hardest part of the day. At this point it had started to rain again and we had to carry our equipment to the river and back.

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The photographs above are all at the source of the river at the Whitestone Enclosure and this was the first stop that we made.

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This was the second stop we made on the river just before Cartmel.

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This was actually where the river passed through Cartmel making it our third stop as well as our lunch stop. This is where I got the most amazing dark chocolate, by the company Montezuma’s with an added bonus of it having 73% cocoa and being completely organic, so I would strongly advise you try it if you haven’t or if you love dark chocolate.

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The rest of the photographs were taken in Cartmel as we had a lunch break and were allowed to go and explore so I took a few snaps of the buildings and the other river running through Cartmel called Middlefield Beck.

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So the last photograph was taken on our journey home. I didn’t take any pictures at Flookburgh as we didn’t actually get out of the minibus we just stopped there and then turned the minibus around and headed back home.

Thank you, for reading and having a look at the photographs I took and edited. I used VSCO to edit the pictures and there has been a blog on how to use VSCO to make the pictures your own so check it out.

Check out my Instagram at mozalfa_ilyas by clicking on the button below and also check out my twitter at Mozalfa Ilyas


12 thoughts on “The Lake District

    1. I can’t because I am a photography blogger, the writings is their to make it different, and I don’t want my blog just to be of my photographs, but thanks for commenting.


    1. No I actually haven’t only because I only use my phone and I am not very experienced so I don’t feel that my photographs are good enough for a journal or contest but thanks maybe I’ll think about it.


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